FMGS Simuation Aid MCDU Simulation Trainning Aid. A320 Flight Management System Trainer is ECA Group solution to training centers' need for A320 FMS familiarization tools. The FMG(E)S trainer provides full free-play simulation of the Flight Management Guidance and (Envelope) Systems. Here eslib its one thread in the plug or CAP added bylob everything in. Trainer to work with efemeskoy watermelons. FMGS A-320 real trainer | Rating: 4.8! Misc. A320 Flight Management System Trainer is ECA Group solution to. This app requires a user account provided by your Eca Faros representative.
Does anyone here have a link to the download for the trainer? im so so so sick of trying to find it and begging my friends to pass it to me. The A320 Multi-function Control and Display Unit (MCDU) trainer comprises a standalone A320 MCDU with a monitor showing the navigation display.